2019 (17th) Washington International Piano Artists Competition

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Edited Program for 2019 WIPAC Piano Competition


First Place Winner

Jonathan Lee

Final Round Video - Jonathan Lee

(includes Liszt Mephisto Waltz - Jonathan won the Liszt Award)


Second Place Winner

Deirbhile Brennan

Final Round Video - Deirbhile Brennan

(Brennan won Chopin award for Scherzo No. 4, see Preliminary Round Recording below)


3rd Place Winner

Robin Stephenson

Final Round Video - Robin Stephenson

(Robin won the Paderewski Award, see Preliminary Round Recording below)



Final Round Video - Jeanne Craig

(Jeanne won Baroque (Prelim Round Bach French Suite), Romantic (Chopin Ballade #1), and Press Award



David Lee

Final Round Video - David Lee

(David won Huffman-Mazurka, Latin American-Villa-Lobos B.B.#4, and Most Imaginative Programming Awards, view all rounds)



Vivienne Fleischer

Final Round Video - Vivienne Fleischer

(Vivienne won the Contemporary Period Award, Sancan Toccatta, view Preliminary Round below)


Reiko Osawa

Kathleen Penny

David Lee

Jeni Kong

Juliette Lu

Vivienne Fleischer

Robin Stephenson

Utako Tanigawa

Wei Ling Wang

Deirbhile Brennan

Jonathan Lee

Jeanne Craig

Preliminary Round

Ruth Corbin

Michelle Hermes

Ron Jordan

Vivienne Fleischer

Judy Darst

Deirbhile Brennan

David Leonard

Melinda Morse

David Doran

Reiko Osawa

Regrettably, Sayuri Kubota's mp4 video was lost. This slot will feature an mp3 audio recording as soon as available.

David Leehey

Jeanne Craig

Jonathan Lee

Andrew Celentano

Kathleen Penny

David Lee

David Caldine

Carl Rosser

Utako Tanigawa

Juliette Lu

Robin Stephenson

Wei Ling Wang

Max Sung

Jeni Kong